Saturday, October 15, 2011

Stillwater Public Library

 List of Approved Caterers without a Caterer’s Liquor License
  Angelina’s Kitchen
2170 Eagle Creek Lane
Woodbury, MN 55129

1790 Washington Avenue
Stillwater, Minnesota 55082

  Buca di Beppo
2728 Gannon Road
St. Paul, MN 55116

Butter Cream Bakery
120 N Main Street
Stillwater MN 55082
Chow Girls Catering
12222 2nd
 Street NE
Minneapolis, MN 55413
Famous Dave’s 
14200 60th
Stillwater, Minnesota 55082

 Fresh Fields
1400 Frontage Road West
Stillwater, Minnesota 55082

14608 North 60th
OPH, Minnesota 55082

Kane’s Catering
1560 Payne Avenue
St. Paul, MN 55130

Kowalski’s Market
5801 Neal Ave. N.
Oak Park Heights, MN 55082

 Lettuce Cater
604 40th
 Ave NE
Columbia Heights, MN

Mama Maria’s
800 6th
 Street North
Hudson, WI 54016

Stillwater Public Library

List of Approved Caterers with a Caterer’s Liquor License

Acapulco Mexican Restaurant  
1240 Frontage Road West
Stillwater, Minnesota 55082

Green Mill
1342 Grand Avenue
St. Paul, MN 55105

K&J Catering
2546 7th
 Avenue East
North St. Paul, MN 55109

Prom Catering 
484 Inwood Avenue
Oakdale, MN 55128

The Grand/St. Croix Boat & Packet
301 Second Street South
Stillwater, Minnesota 55082

Three Sons Signature Cuisine
2322 Blaisdell Avenue South
Minneapolis, MN 55404
 Lake Elmo Inn (must also cater food)
3442 Lake Elmo Avenue N. 
Lake Elmo, Minnesota 55042

Mintahoe Catering
2117 West River Road
Minneapolis, MN 5541

396 21st Street
Newport, MN 55055
651. 459.3211

Town and Country Caterers
3155 Empire Lane
Plymouth, MN 55447

The Stillwater Public Library does not refer or recommend caterers.

This list is intended to assist renters in finding appropriately licensed vendors.  Confirm that your
food vendors are licensed to cater in Minnesota.   To provide liquor at Stillwater Public
Library, caterers must have a current Caterer’s Liquor License (CATR).  Neither licensed
bartenders nor On Sale (on-site) liquor licenses are adequate substitutes for a CATR.

Stillwater Public Library Catering Guidelines

1.  All food deliveries should arrive at our 4th
 Street catering entrance on the north side of the
building.  Our address for deliveries is 223 4th
 Street North, Stillwater, MN 55082.  Please call
Anne Young, the event coordinator, before arriving on site if you have any questions about how to
load-in for the event at 651-233-7124. We are bordered by a bed & breakfast and residential
apartment complex.  Please respect our neighbor’s requests for quiet and access to their parking

2.  All catering vehicles must be parked in a designated parking spot, or single parked along the
catering ramp.  All vehicles must remain clear of the left-hand side (north) of the driveway/fire
lane.  The fire lane must remain clear AT ALL TIMES.  

3.  The Health Department requires that all caterers be licensed. We maintain a list of licensed
caterers who have been approved by the Library Board for events at the library.

4.  Food must arrive hot and be served hot, or arrive cold and be served cold.  The library has a
refrigerator and a warming oven for use by licensed caterers.  The warming oven heats to 190,
and requires sixty (60) minutes to pre-heat.  

5.  The Department of Health does not allow food preparation on site. Absolutely no portable ovens,
grills or stoves may be brought into the Library or used in the catering kitchen.  
6.  The caterer is responsible for cleaning and removing ALL food-related garbage from the Library. 
If for some reason, the caterer cannot perform this task, it is the duty of the caterer to inform the
rental client.  The rental client will be charged for any garbage, food waste or trash removed by
SPL staff.  

7.  The kitchen should be cleaned, mopped and all countertops sanitized by the end of the rental
period.  All garbage must be removed via the Caterer’s Ramp and taken to the dumpster in the
garbage enclosure. Please follow our recycling policy. Do not put the garbage into the recycling
containers. Renters will be charged for an additional hour of rental time if ANY garbage is left on
library property or placed in the incorrect bin.

8.  All catering staff and vehicles must vacate library property by midnight.  If clean-up is not
complete by midnight, the rental client will be charged for additional time, and the event
coordinator will make arrangements for clean-up to conclude the following morning.

9.  For the  protection of our facility, we require the following precautions:
  When carving meat in the carpeted areas, the floors need to be well protected. 
   No artificial colors may be used in punches.
  When using a chocolate fountain ensure the floors and walls are protected from splatters.  
  Ice sculptures are discouraged. If used, floors must be protected. 
  Bars are restricted to un-carpeted areas of the library.

10. The caterer’s ramp may be used be used for loading and unloading equipment until 10:00 p.m. 
After 10:00 p.m.  the 3rd
 Street ramp must be used.  If your catering vehicle does not fit into the
ramp (8’ clearance) please contact our event coordinator to make alternate arrangements.
 11. After 10:00 p.m., all caterer’s are asked to do the following:
  Hand carry as many  items as possible, to prevent carts from rattling on our cobblestone
  Refrain from personal conversations, shouting, and frequent trips in and out of the building.
  Keep the door at the top of the caterer’s ramp closed when not in use to contain noise from
the event.

12. The Library has a strict facility rental alcohol policy. The renter will be charged an additional
$175.00 for serving alcohol at their event.  All alcohol must be served by caterer with a Caterer’s
Liquor License.  No wine or champagne bottles are allowed on tables, nor is self-service of any

13. Catering staff is required to abide by the Library’s Noise Policy.

14. Please visit for information about the furniture that
Stillwater Public Library can provide for weddings and events.  Please make sure to inform your
client of your furniture needs.


A. Refrigerator with removable shelves (sorry, no freezer)     
B. Warming oven that heats to 190 degrees
C. Ice machine
D. Sink
F. Hand sink, soap/towel dispenser



Wednesday, October 12, 2011

vergangenheitsich zeitfesthalten ist toll

sonntag, achtzehnter september zweitausendelf

was das?
das etwas?
ich hier

i_c_h f_l_e_h_e u_m h_i_l_f_e

after art point show

den ordner (vergangenheitsich) anlegen

samstag, siebzehnter september zweitausendelf

/schnitt/ das gartenhaus im sommer

// man darf es sich erlauben die einfachsten worte zu nutzen...

Sunday, October 9, 2011

the most dead autum bunny alive ゙゚ᄉﺄ﹋﹋﹋﹋︺︷︠︡︢︣יּ꓆゜゙゙゙゙◌◌◌◌◌◌◌◌◌◌◜◝◞ ゙゚

wirklich worte lassen macht sinn.

(samstag, siebzehnter september zweitausendelf)

die nacht sechzehnter auf siebtzehnter

[the most dead autum bunny alive ゙゚ᄉﺄﺀﻠﻴﻺ﹆﹋﹋﹋﹋︺︷︠︡︢︣יּ꓆꒱꒳꒢丷二㌰㌧ㄧ・ヺヾ゜゙゙゙゙〠⿺◌◌◌◌◌◌◌◌◌◌▵▽◕◜◝◞ ゙゚ᄉﺄﺀﻠﻴﻺ﹆﹋﹋﹋﹋︺︷︠︡︢︣יּ꓆꒱꒳꒢丷二㌰㌧ㄧ・ヺヾ゜゙゙゙゙〠⿺◌◌◌◌◌◌◌◌◌◌▵▽◕◜◝◞ ゙゚ᄉﺄﺀﻠﻴﻺ﹆﹋﹋﹋﹋︺︷︠︡︢︣יּ꓆꒱꒳꒢丷二㌰㌧ㄧ・ヺヾ゜゙゙゙゙〠⿺◌◌◌◌◌◌◌◌◌◌▵▽◕◜◝◞ ゙゚ᄉﺄﺀﻠﻴﻺ﹆﹋﹋﹋﹋︺︷︠︡︢︣יּ꓆꒱꒳꒢丷二㌰㌧ㄧ・ヺヾ゜゙゙゙゙〠⿺◌◌◌◌◌◌◌◌◌◌▵▽◕◜◝◞ ゙゚ᄉﺄﺀﻠﻴﻺ﹆﹋﹋﹋﹋︺︷︠︡︢︣יּ꓆꒱꒳꒢丷二㌰㌧ㄧ・ヺヾ゜゙゙゙゙〠⿺◌◌◌◌◌◌◌◌◌◌▵▽◕◜◝◞]

schmerz - purster, reinster, wahrhaftigster, unschuldigster schmerz. echter schmerz.

...würde mein scanner ihn sichtbar machen.

worte haben wir überstrapaziert, ihr verfallsdatum so nahe, dass jedes alleine und in einer reihe die purste banalität ausströmt.
dass wir neue wege suchen
wenn wir unsere sprache nicht neu definieren wollen
müssen wir zumindest neue begrifflichkeiten finden
unsere langeweile ist illusion
da der spannungsaufbau gerade erst begonnen hat.
du leben, sage mir nur eins.
ich drehe mich um -für dich
würd ich.

/ was das neue? /
schnelllebigkeit bremse
für mich.


«weil ich keine kraft habe hat nichts kraft.»

Friday, October 7, 2011

dienstag, vierter oktober zweitausendelf


sonntag, zweiter oktober zweitausendelf


Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Default Login for Student Accounts Created or Reset after October 1, 2011

Student accounts (Blackboard, Gmail, MyMHC, Campus Computers)created or reset after October 1, 2011 will be accessible via the instructionsbelow:

Username: firstname.lastname
Name: John Doe àUsername: John.Doe

Your password will be the first three letters of your monthof birth with the first letter capitalized, followed by the 4 digits of youryear of birth, and the last 3 digits of your Student ID number.
Birth Date: February 20, 1983 
Student ID#: 123 456 789

Password: Feb1983789

Please Note: These instructions apply only to accounts thatwere created or reset after October 1, 2011. 

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

New Materials Lists Updated - September 2011

Library Services has posted its new materials lists for the month of September 2011. The lists can be found at:

More than 430 new audiovisual and print resources were added this month!

Monday, October 3, 2011

Human Library a Success!

Thanks to Erin Penzes,Jacquie Penner, Dr. Linda Schwartz, and Dr. Nancy Brown, who made ourfirst-ever "Human Library" at the Medicine Hat College awonderful success! What a great way to celebrate Alberta Arts Days.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

at the moment i have no time because i am occupied with doing some stuff

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