Monday, February 28, 2011

Library User of the Month - March 2011

Ashley Rode
Business Administration, Marketing

For the two years I’ve been attending Medicine Hat College, I’ve been part of both the student body and staff, and I’ve loved it! It’s an honour to be chosen for the March library user of the month. We are so lucky to have such a wonderful facility. With so many places to read, do homework, and use a computer, I don’t think I can pick just one part that is my favorite. I love the free wi-fi, research resources, ability to sign out video cameras, and the wonderful people I get to work with! Don’t forget to be awesome!

wortlos - in der anstalt no°6

das wort wäre zuviel.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

wortlos - in der anstalt no°5

wiederholungwiederholung warteschleife - dauerhaft
...und es wird schwarz, schwarz, schwarz...
auf den bericht wird gewartet.

wortlos - in der anstalt no°4


Friday, February 25, 2011

wortlos - in der anstalt no°3

◌︢︣︡︠︣︣︣︣︣◌︠︡︢︢ - wortlos - in der anstalt no°2

in der anstalt no°2

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Library Noise Zone Guidelines

One of the common concerns expressed by students in the Vera Bracken Library is the level of noise. As an academic institution, we encourage intellectual discourse; however, sometimes the conversations can carry. This does not always prove to be an environment that is conducive to the academic endeavours of other patrons.

To this end, Library Services has established guidelines for moderating conversations within the facility. There are four zones, which are:
  • Green – Normal conversation.
    You can expect conversations to be carried out at a normal volume. These areas are group study and social areas within the library.

  • Yellow – Quiet talking.
    Conversations are expected to be carried out in a discrete and quiet manner.
  • Blue – Quiet study.
    These zones are for quiet studies and no social conversations will be allowed.
  • Red – Silent.
    The expectation is that these areas are quiet study zones and there will be no conversations.
Vera Bracken Library Noise Zones [Click to enlarge.]
Library Services would like to maintain its policy of not “policing” the noise zones. Regardless of what zone you are in, please be considerate of your fellow students and other library patrons. If you do believe that noise is excessive in your area and you are not comfortable approaching those patrons, please contact the library’s Information Desk in-person, by e-mail (, instant messenger, or text message (403.866.5872).

Library Services is continuing to examine other means of dampening sound in the library to promote a healthy and productive academic environment for all patrons.

If you have any comments, concerns, or questions, please contact us at the Information Desk in-person, by phone (403.504.3511), e-mail (, instant messenger, or text message (403.866.5872).

You can also discuss or share your opinions about the guidelines and defined noise zones via Facebook or Twitter.

mein nabel ist die ästhetik.

/mein nabel ist die ästhetik./

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

/das lebensgefühl - die abschaffung der geschlechter./


Monday, February 21, 2011



Sunday, February 20, 2011

1. sequenz /sommer/


traumsequenzen und liebestöter

1. sequenz


die arme über den kopf, an den ohren, ellenbogen nach außen, hände überkreuz.
sie lässt sich nach rechts fallen, bis ihre haarspitzen die hüften berühren.
es knackst.
die rippen der rechten seite.
sie möchte sich spiegeln und links zu rechts machen.
die katze miaut.
es ist dunkel, ist kalt.
die zunge ist rau – die der katze.
die zunge klebt fest – die der katze – an ihrer.
ihr wird schlecht.
losgerissen spuckt sie katzenzungen, braunen, die aus schokolade, die oma immer mitgebracht hat.
autobus fahren, immer die gleiche strecke. die vergangenheit hat einen gelb-braun stich, wie alte bananen, ihr wird übel.
den fensterplatz nehmen und rausschauen.
die strecke wird zu einzelnen farbstrichen die latent vorbeiziehen. die fenster haben patina – das zu dem muster ihrer sommershorts passt. sie hat welche mit blumen – auf ausgewaschenen jeansstoff, die besten bis jetzt.
der sommer schmeckt einbisschen alt, schmeckt dennoch unglaublich aufregend – salzig.
dieses jahr mag sie wassereis nicht so gerne, sie isst hot dogs.
manchmal, wenn sie rad fahrt, sieht sie ein stück pizza, dreieck, am boden liegen, mit der tomatensoßenseite zur erde – so möchte sie einmal sterben.
übelübelübel war das alles – nicht.
nach der nacht mit der katze hat sie dutzende rote kratzer am rücken – damit wird sie angeben, auf dem schulhof.
sie umfasst ihre handgelenke die rot/blau/grün/grau/violett sind. vor allem violett – und grün.
hrün, hrün, hrün, sagt sie und wickelt bänder darum.
sie findet es schön sich selbst zu spüren. sie streicht sich sanft über den arm.
auch über der linken augenbraue hat sie einen kratzer.
sie fühlt sich wie ein unterlegener boxer und würde beinahe beschließen umzufallen, sich die knie blutig zu schlagen um entgültig verwundet zu sein…
katzenzungen auf katzenfell, soviel geht in ordnung.

„kind du hast gut geschmeckt“
sie spielt den bösen wolf im roten cape.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Freedom to Read Week - 20-26 February 2011

It is Freedom to Read Week in Canada! This is a week to celebrate freedom of expression and give recognition to those individuals and organizations that actively work to expand and maintain this liberty in Canada.

Library Services is a proud supporter of Freedom to Read Week. To show our support, we will have a book display that will present a collection of titles that have been banned or challenged. The display will be near the library's entrance and some of the titles that you will find include:
For a list of challenged books and magazines, and the reasons they were challenged, click here. To learn more about current censorship issues in Canada, read:  Freedom to Read (Vol. 27).

A very special thank you to the students that participated in our MHC Students Read Banned Books! poster.

heute, samstag, neunzehnter februar zweitausendelf

/ohne aussage./
heute, samstag, neunzehnter februar zweitausendelf
/was passt nicht in die reihe?/


Friday, February 18, 2011

nöhcs tsi nebel sad

tie me up
nach worten...

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

"Southern Alberta Newspapers" Database Cancelled

Due to changing fee structures and low usage, Library Services has discontinued its subscription to the Southern Alberta Newspapers database.

This database permitted users partial access to digital content produced by the: The 40-Mile County Commentator, The Coaldale Sunny South News, The Lethbridge Herald, Medicine Hat News, The Prairie Post, The Prairie Post West, Taber Times, and The Vauxhall Advance newspapers.

If you have any comments, concerns, or questions, please contact Library Services at:, or by telephone at: 403.504.3544.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Family Day Hours/Student Study Break - 21-25 February

The Vera Bracken Library (Medicine Hat Campus) and the Brooks Campus Library will be closed on Monday, February 21st for the provincial Family Day holiday.

Though classes will not be running for the Student Study Break (21-25 February 2011), the Vera Bracken (Medicine Hat Campus) and the Brooks Campus Libraries will both be open regular hours.

For more information about the libraries' hours of operation, click here.

Whether you spend this week on the beach, on the slopes, or in your books, we hope you have a good time!

Photo: Beach (Beach, Nilandho, Faafu Atoll, Maldives) by shazwan


herz ohne schlag.
just playing till tomorrow.
montag, vierzehnter februar zweitausendelf
mache keine aussage.
about not being john malkovich, about feeling ill.
momentmomentmoment - ende.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

dreihundertfünfundsechzig - berliner morgen no°1-no°5


berliner morgen no°1 /
montag, siebter februar zweitausendelf.

berliner morgen no°2 /
dienstag, achter februar zweitausendelf
/unausgeschlafen und ungeschminkt/

berliner morgen no°3 /
mittwoch, neunter februar zweitausendelf

berliner morgen no°4 /
donnerstag, zehnter februar zweitausendelf

berliner morgen no°5 /
freitag, elfter februar zweitausendelf

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Good Food Club: Great Produce, Low Price

Staff members of the Vera Bracken Library have coordinated distribution of produce for the Medicine Hat Good Food Club for the past several years. The club is an initiative of the Community Food Connections Association, whose stated goal is to improve "the quality of life for everyone and believe healthy food is a right and not a privilege."


With 220+ members currently in the club, the group is able to purchase top-quality fresh fruits and vegetables at wholesale prices through the power of bulk buying. The Good Food Club is available for faculty, staff, and students at Medicine Hat College.


Faculty and staff:
  • $30/year for non-volunteers
  • $10/year for volunteers with the Good Food Club
  • FREE
Each month you choose the size of box you would like. The boxes are valued at: $10, $15, or $20 (this is in addition to the annual membership fee). Payment is due before the last Tuesday of each month.


Delivery is on the 2nd Tuesday of each month.


To join the club, please contact Barb Banasch or Valarie Westers of the Vera Bracken Library—they proudly organize this endeavour at the college. You can visit them in-person in the Vera Bracken Library or reach them by telephone at: 403.529.3867.


Even if you do not join the club, you still have opportunities to benefit from the club. Library Services will have a prize draw for a food box each month. The draw can be entered during the week prior to the boxes' delivery to the Vera Bracken Library.

If you are a member of the community and want to join the club, discover other pick-up locations, or want to read the full guidelines, please visit the "Initiatives" page of the Community Food Connections Association for more details.

The Community Food Connections Association and Library Services, working to develop healthy bodies and minds!

Pictured (l-r): Large, medium, and small produce boxes' contents.
/poor little rich girl - dir gehört die stadt./

Friday, February 4, 2011


den heiligenschein trägt sie auf ihrer zungenspitze
...unterwegs ging er verloren.


/egälhcs fua tsul/

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